Keegan's Blog

just another journal of thoughts



The summer storm howled as the wind knocked the trees, racking their branches across the windows, making the noise that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I saw the flash of bright white light on the ceiling above my bed. Then a clap of thunder, like a bass drum 20 times it’s own sound. I looked outside of the big window above my bed, and could see nothing but pure black. I saw the car beside the garage, with the light from the garage dancing on it’s tinted windows. I hear the howling of coyotes, just barely, over the loud crashes of thunder and the howling wind. I closed my eyes but could not sleep. The rain was to loud, with it’s clapping and it’s flash every 10 seconds, but I managed to slowly drift off.

I woke up the next morning with light coming in through the windows, with a strip of light through the darkness in my room. I slowly stand up and walk down the pale, white carpeted hallway, then the stars after that. I walk into the bright kitchen with fruit on the table and the beige walls but I continue towards the door and walk outside. The smell of rain is overwhelming, while I hear the birds chirping their early morning songs. Then I realize today is the perfect day.

2 Comments to


  1. January 19th, 2014 at 4:08 pm      Reply Mrs. Kriese Says:

    Captivating from the very first sentence! Vivid imagery, expressive writing. Wow.

  2. February 4th, 2014 at 11:11 am      Reply wallyd288 Says:

    Wow Keegan, I could visilize everything! Hope you diden’t have nightmares after that one!

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